Principal's Corner - 10.12.23
It was a short, but still busy, week at Rowe School. The beautiful fall days we've been having lend themselves to a range of both indoor and outdoor activities. There are great pictures from all the classes on the Rowe School Community Facebook page. If you're not yet a member, find the page on Facebook and ask to be invited, and we'll get you set up. 
In addition to Facebook and email, we also communicate through a North Berkshire School Union (NBSU) app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from the school, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store. You can download the app on Android: or iPhone:
We had a great day for hiking last Thursday. Look for more information in this newsletter Trunk or Treat (October 27). The next Community Lunch is Wednesday, October 25, let us know by Tuesday, October 24 if you're coming. And conferences are coming up in early November, more information is coming soon.