A thank you in two parts:
1. Thank you to the families of the students in 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades for working with us on getting your students ready to take the MCAS. A good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast, and a reminder to our students to keep a healthy perspective on the test...that it is just a snapshot that the teachers use to understand their teaching, and the students' learning, better, and not something they need to stress about. The Math MCAS tests will be the week after the vacation
2. Thank you also for working with us throughout the year on following the guidelines for keeping everyone safe and us learning in-person: masking, keeping your child home (and tested or evaluated by a physician) if they exhibit possible COVID symptoms, masking when appropriate. Now as we come to April vacation, it is tempting to act as if things are back to normal. Cases are rising, locally and nationally, please continue to be vigilant about protecting yourself and others when appropriate. We have less than eight weeks to go, and although it's a challenge, we can get through the rest of the school year in good health if we work together.
I hope you have a great vacation, Happy Easter to those who celebrate, Chag Sameach to those who celebrate Passover, and enjoy the spring weather next week.

Principal's Corner 4.14.22
April 14, 2022